<(裕樹)こうして見ると\Nいかにも選挙って感じだよな>\N Looking at this, it feels like it's really happening {lit: feels like an election} <気合い入れて 勝ちに…>\N Giving my all to go for the win... 勝ちにいけるのか?\N But can I really win? =====ALL THEM POSTERS===== a b c d e f g h i j k l a: Representative of the Softball Club The most supernatural fireball Rikuhata Nao b: Representative of the Baseball Club Declaring a homerun every day! Urakawa Tomohisa c: Representative of the Art Club Coloring the school life [unknown] d: [unknown] For a daily elegance. [unknown] e: Representative of the Chemistry Club An explosion of inspiration! {or A flashy explosion!} Yabe Kiyotaka f: [ours] g: Representative of the Fencing Club Finishing with a single attack Chiba Fumiya h: Representative of the Cricket Club The bright and cheerful school idol Okazaki Ryouko i: [?] [?] Yamaguchi Wataru j [lol can't see] (his last name is Masaya) k: Representative of the Manga Research Club 2D Life Horii Misa l: Representative of the Swimming Club Straight ahead from the start! Kobayashi Natsumi =========== アイテテテテ 何だ これ?\N Ouch...What's this? ・(衣更)あッ… ああッ\Nえッ?\N (衣更)た 助けてくださ~い\N P-Please help me! な 何だ!?\N Wh-What the?! ・~\N ====TITLE: Fundings! ====== はあ ビックリしました\N Woah, you scared me. {or anything close to this} ごめん青海さん\Nつい よそ見してて\N I'm sorry Aomi-san. I wasn't paying attention. あれですか?\Nま まあね\N Due to that? P-Pretty much. すごいですね 大島先輩\N生徒会長になるなんて\N Awesome...to think you'll become the student president... いや まだなってないというか\Nなれる気がしないけどね\N Well, I'm not the president yet...and I don't feel like becoming one either. 目指そうというだけで\Nすごいですよ\N I find it already admiring you're giving it a try. 私 応援します\Nありがとう 青海さん\N I'll support you! Thanks, Aomi-san. ところで 何やってたの?\N By the way, what were you doing? 校内のメンテナンスです\N今日は工場がお休みなので→\N School maintenance. The factory's closed for the day. ==== fluorescent lamp ==== {2:31} 時間が空いたら 働かないと\Nもったいないですから\N It's a waste if I don't spend my free time for work. {I don't get this one} そうなんだ?\N経済特待生って大変だよな\N Is that so? Financial-aid students sure have a rough time. いいえ 私が高藤で勉強できるのは\Nケートク制度のおかげですから\N Not at all. It's all thanks to the Keitoku system that I can study here at Takafuji. ウチは弟が2人いるので\N I also have two little brothers. 本当なら 勉強せずに\N働かないといけないところなので\N So in fact I'm in a place where I'm forced to work without any education. ・(1年男子A)おい 臭くねえ?\N・(B)この辺 におうな\N Hey, do you smell something? Something does reek over here. (A)風呂入ってねえんじゃね?\N Someone here probably didn't take a shower. {might want to make it more direct here} (B)金ないなら 無理して高藤に\N来なくていいのによ\N If you don't have the money, why bother going to Takafuji? 同じクラスのヤツか?\N Are those from your class? 俺 文句言ってくるわ\N I'll go have a word with them. いいんです\N It's all right. ほっといたらエスカレートするよ\N If you leave it like that, it'll only escalate. 大丈夫です\Nあの人達は ずっとああですから\N Don't worry. Those guys were always like that. ずっと? 今までずっとなのか?\N Always? Since you came to this place?! あのヤロー\N The scum... そ それより\N一つ聞いてもいいですか?\N More importantly, can I ask you a question? あの 私\Nそんなに臭いですか?\N Uhm...Do I really smell that much? あの人達\Nずっと「臭い臭い」って言うから\N Those people keep telling me I'm smelly. 実は ホントに臭いんじゃないかと\Nそんなことないよ!\N I was wondering if I really smelt bad. In the least! ただの嫌がらせ…\N It's just plain harassment... 気休めじゃなくて\Nホントのこと言ってください\N Don't try to console me, but tell me the truth. あ… 青海さん?\N先輩 お願いします\N A-Aomi-san? Senpai, if you please. え えーと\N Erm... そ それじゃ\N H-Here goes. ど どうですか?\N What do you think? 《ああ なんていい香りなんだ~》\N Ahh, what a lovely scent... や やっぱり臭いですか?\Nとんでもない むしろ…\N S-So, do I really reek? Not at all! On the contrary... むしろ?\Nあッ いや 大丈夫\N On the contrary? Ah, I mean, all is fine. 青海さんは 全然臭くないから\N Aomi-san doesn't smell bad at all. 俺が保証する\N I can guarantee that! よかった\N先輩 ありがとうございます\N Thank god. Thank you very much, Senpai! いやあ こちらこそ いいものを…\N From my side as well. It was very nice... はい?\Nああ いや 別に\N What? Ahh, no, never mind. (千里)あ~あ 選挙に\Nお金がかかるって本当だったんだ\N So you really have to invest a lot of money in the elections... (美冬)選挙資金ね\N私達 お金なんて ないものね\N Indeed, election funds. We don't really have the money. 財務部 総務部 治安部の\N行政三部には\N The three administrative departments: the financial, general and security affairs department, 学園から選挙資金が\Nおりるらしいんだけど\N receive election funds from the school itself. いい身分よね\Nうん いいにおいだった\N They're in good standing, right? Yeah, it was a nice scent... はあッ?\Nあッ いや何でも…\N Huh? Ah no, disregard that. (愛)選挙にお金かけるのは\N利権を狙ってる悪いヤツらでしょ\N The people who spend money in elections to gain concessions are the bad guys, no? (綺衣)うちらは お金かけずに\Nクリーンな選挙で\N We can just have fair elections without spending money in such a way. (夜雲)それでも お金は\Nかかるものですよ\N Nevertheless, it will cost a heap of money. 仮に 全校生徒にチラシを配ったら\Nいくらかかると思いますか?\N For example, how much do you think it'll cost to hand out flyer to all students? (希美)コピー代が\N1枚10円だとして\N Taking that the cost of a copy is 10 yen per page, 6千人に配ると\N6万円かかるのです\N It'll cost 60.000 yen to hand it out to 6.000 students! ==== Necessary expenses needed for the elections ==== {05:07} ==== The number of students: 6.000 ==== はい たとえ単価は安くても\N Indeed. Even if the unit price is cheap, 訴えたい人数が多いと\N大変な金額になるものです\N the more people you have to appeal to, the more expensive it becomes. {lib} (朧)市議会議員が 毎日何十件もの\N冠婚葬祭に電報打つだけで\N It's said that it costs millions of yen per year for the city council members 年間 何千万円もかかる\Nっていいますしね\N to send telegrams for special occasions every day. {tlc} 色々 見積もって\Nさしあたり最低3万円\N Keeping everything in mind, it's already at least 30.000 yen. {lib} できれば5万円は用立てたいわね\N If possible, we'd want to earn a total of 50.000 yen. ショッケンの部費から 賄えば?\N・(葉月)ダメダメ→\N What if we use the budget of the Food Research Club? Declined. 部費は あくまでも部の活動資金よ\N A club's budget is only to be used for club activities. 選挙に使うと 流用とみなされるわ\N It'd be seen as misappropriate when used in the elections. こっそり使えば分からない\Nバレたら当選取り消し\N They won't notice if we use it secretly. If it comes to light, you'll be revoked from election. しかも その精査をするのは\N Moreover, the one to investigate it is... 財務部か\Nまあ バレるわね\N The financial department. It'll be discovered in no time. 我々がとれる方法は まず…\N The choices we can make are as follows. First of all: ==== From one's own pockets ==== { 05:50} 自腹か\N1人5千円出してくれれば\N From one's own pockets... If every member would pot 5.000 yen, it'll make 40.000 yen. 5.000 yen?! 4万になるわね\N5千円!?\N ムリムリ 今月のお小遣い\N残ってないってば\N Totally impossible! My allowance for this month is already running out. 僕も 今は手持ちが…\N I'm also short at hand... 千円 2千円ならともかく\N1人5千円の負担は重いわ\N 1.000 or 2.000 is still okay, but 5.000 is a really heavy burden. ・(夜雲)では 自動的に\N次の案になります\N That means, this automatically becomes the next plan: ==== Merchandise at the preliminaries ==== {6:12} 物販か\N Merchandise, huh. もともと\N予備選挙の会場で開かれる物販は\N After all, merchandise released at the site of the preliminaries, 選挙資金を捻出するために\N作られた制度なんです\ is a originally meant to raise funds for the elections. {lit. a made system} そうだったんですか?\N Is that so? 昔「お金のない人間は 立候補も\N出来ないのか」と問題になったの\N Long ago, the problem was that candidates who didn't have money weren't even able to enter the elections. ウチの学園はアルバイト禁止でしょ\N Our school prohibits part-time jobs, remember? だから選挙資金を\N工面する方法として\N Therefore, as a way to raise election funds, 物販が認められるようになったの\N merchandise became an accepted way of contrivance. それが今では 物販が主体の\Nイベントになってるというわけね\N And now, merchandise is a common subjected event. 我々は 原点に立ち返り\N We'll start afresh, 選挙資金を稼ぐための物販を\N行いましょう\N and engage in merchandising to earn election funds. そうなると\N力のある商品が必要になるわね\N If so, we'll need some compelling products. のんちゃんは「大島ロール」の\N販売を強く推すのです\N I'm all in for selling Oojima Rolls! {lit. strongly push (the idea of)...} 大島ロール?\Nはい!\N Oojima Rolls? Yeah! ショッケン名物 ゆうちゃんの作る\N至高のロールケーキなのです→\N Food Research Club's specialty, the supreme roll cake made by Yuu-chan! ふんわりスポンジと\Nふんわりクリームのハーモニー→\N The harmony of the soft spongy texture with the fluffy cream. 一口食べた瞬間にパッと とけて→\N The moment you take a bit of it, it melts in your mouth, メルヘンの甘さと 爽やかな香りが\Nお口の中いっぱいに広がる→\N and it'll be filled with sweetness as in fairy tales with a fresh aroma. 続いて クリームの中から\N顔を出したフルーツさん達が→\N Not to mention the fruits, breaking through the cream, ほどよい酸味で さらにワンダホーな\Nおいしさを奏でるのです→\N giving it a fair sour taste, causing an even more wonderful delicacy to emerge. まさに\N究極のロールケーキなのです→\N In other words, the ultimate roll cake! スーパーデリシャスなのです~\N It's super delicious! (一同)はあ~ッ\N ほほう おいしそうですね\N Ohoo, that sounds tasty. 今食べたい すぐ食べたい!\Nオーシマ 大島ロール作って\N I wanna eat it now. Right now! Ooshima, make some Oojima Rolls! 何で 大島ロールが言えて\N俺はオーシマなんだよッ\N How are you able to pronounce Oojima Roll correct, but not my name?! {but I'm pronounced as Ooshima?!} 裕樹 大島ロールで\Nどのくらい儲かりそう?\N Yuuki, how profitable would an Oojima Roll be? {the whiteboard at ~7:44} ==== Flour, sugar, milk, eggs, ==== ==== Whipped cream, condensed milk, pineapples ==== ==== Strawberries, bananas, tangerines ==== {or oranges} ==== 1 roll costs 400 yen ==== ==== -> 40 yen per piece when cut in 10 ==== ==== Selling price at 100 yen --> 60 yen profit per piece ==== ==== 30.000 / 60 / 10 ==== ==== 50 rolls ==== うんっと 1ロールあたり\N原価が400円\N The price of one roll is 400 yen. 1ロールから\N10カット取れるとして 1個40円\N If we cut one roll into ten, we'll get 40 yen per piece. 売値を100円にすると\N利益は 1個あたり60円\N Putting the selling price at 100 yen gives us a profit of 60 yen per piece. 最低3万稼ぐのに必要な数は\N50ロール\N To make up at least 30.00 yen, we'll need at least...50 rolls. て そんなに作れるかい!\Nえ~ッ 作れないの?\N I can't make that much! Ehh, you can't? 無理だよ たとえ授業サボって\N丸一日やったとしても\N Impossible! Even if I skip lessons and work for it for a whole day, いいとこ20本が限界だ\N I can make twenty of them at most. {20 pieces is the limit} 20本じゃ 全部で1万2千円しか\N利益出ないわね\N With only twenty...You won't net any profit with 12.000 yen. 1個あたりの利益を\N増やせばいいんじゃ?\N How about increasing the profit per piece? 3万円稼ぐには…\N1個190円で売らないとダメだぞ\N To make up 30.000 yen...We'd have to put the price at 190 yen! う~ん 190円じゃ\N割高感は否めないわよね\N I have to admit 190 yen feels like a really high price. 何か オマケつければ?\N How about adding an extra onto it? そのオマケに お金がかかると\N本末転倒だと思うの\N If you'd have to spend money on it, that'd be putting the cart before the horse. (希美)お金がかからない\Nオマケですか…\N So it'll have to be extra's without having to pay money. おッ 握手会とか撮影会なら\Nお金かからないぞ\N Handshaking and photo shoot session won't cost any money! お金払ってまで\Nオーシマと握手したくない\N Above paying, I don't want to shake hands with Ooshima. こっちが お金もらいたいぐらい\Nお前らな\N I'd rather want to receive money for doing that. You guys... うん なるほどね\N Hmm... I see. あんたが売り物になるかは\N別にして\N Aside the idea of making a product out of you. 今ので 方向性は見えたかな\N方向性?\N Have you seen the correct course of action by now? Course of action? 原価をかけずに 大島ロールを\N高値で売りさばく方法よ\N A way to avoiding costs and still sell Oojima Rolls at a high price. そっちは私に任せて\N裕樹は大島ロール20本作って\N Leave that part to me. You go make twenty Oojima Rolls. つまり 授業をサボれってことか?\Nニヒ~ッ\N Basically, you're asking me to skip class? 物販が まとまったところで\N次は配布物です\N Now that the merchandise is covered up, let's discuss about the distribution. 選挙活動のために授業を\NサボるのはOKなんですか?\N What, it's okay to skip class for election campaigning? 私は何も聞いておりません\Nきったねえ\N I have heard no such thing. How sleazy. 例の物を\N Show them. 去年 我々が配っていたものを\Nお持ちしました\N I've brought the stuff we distributed last year. {or "We've" } タダで物を配る って\N賄賂には あたらないんですか?\N Giving stuff out for free won't get branded as bribing? 候補者のパンフレットとして\N認められれば問題ありません\N As long as it's seen as a pamphlet of the candidate, there's no problem. パンフレット?\N全てのグッズに\N Pamphlet? You can see my name and picture on all the goods, right? 私の名前と写真が\N入っているでしょ?\N なるほど\N I see. 印象に残る配布物は 名前を\N覚えてもらうのに役立ちますよ\N Memorable wares serve well as a way to remember the name. {wares that leave an impression} でも オーシマのグッズじゃねえ\N誰が欲しいの?\N But...Ooshima's goods... Who would want them? 僕は欲しいですよ\N裕樹先輩のシャワーカーテンとか\N I'd want them. Like Yuuki-senpai's shower curtain. シャワーカーテン?\Nはい\N Shower curtain? Yes! ・(朧)色々かけて\Nぬらしてもいいんですよ\N You can cover me with whatever you want. {someone make this sound gay} 何を かけるつもりだ?\N What're you going to cover me with?! {idem} それ以前に ウチは配布物を作る\Nお金も時間もないわよ\N Prior to that, I have neither time nor money to make distributables. どうでもいいものじゃ タダでも\N受け取ってもらえないし\N People won't take in useless stuff, no matter if it's free. ・(朧)かといって 魅力的なものは\N費用と時間がかかる\N Although attractive goods will cost both money and time. ・(愛)いっそ ストックしてる\Nお菓子でも配っちゃえば?\N Well then, what if we hand out the snacks we have in stock over here? 部費で買ったお菓子は\N流用になるので使えません\N Using snacks that have been bought with the club budget will be seen as misapproriate and thus we can't use them. う~ん 難しいなあ\N Hmm...What to do... {how difficult} (物音)\N (未散)やおい棒…\Nえッ?\N Yaoi bars. やおい棒は 食べ放題\N Yaoi bars are all-you-can-eat. そうか やおい棒なら\N部費で買ったものじゃないよな\N I get it! Yaoi bars aren't bought with the club budget! ユメのうちから\Nタダでもらってるものだもんね\N We can just take them from Yume's store. ユメ\Nうん 頼むよ父さん\N Yume! Yes. I'm counting on you, dad! いくつ必要ですか?\N How many do we need? 最低2千 できれば3千\N At least 2.000, but 3.000 if you can. 聞こえてた? ありがとう父さん\N Did you hear that? Thanks, dad. 3千本 確保しました\Nすぐ届きます\N 3.000 bars, guaranteed. They'll be here soon. (一同)やった~!\N Woohoo! すると あとは やおい棒を\Nどうやってパンフレットにするかだな\N All what's left is how to turn Yaoi bars into pamplets. よしッ 完成\N Alright, it's done! {11:03} ==== I will defend the open school spirit ==== ==== Oojima Yuuki ==== それは\Nパンフレットじゃないだろう\N That can't be called a pamphlet. 候補者の名前と\N重点政策が書いてある\N It has the name of the candidate and his focussed policy. {tlc ?} 立派なパンフレットですよ\Nマジで?\N A perfect pamphlet. You serious? ・(夜雲)念のため 選挙管理委員会\Nで判断してもらいましょう\N Just in case, let it get evaluated by the election committee. 愛 綺衣 選管に聞きにいって\N(愛・綺衣)了解!\N Ai, Kii. Go and ask them. Roger that! (愛・綺衣)ウキーッ\N ウキャキャキャ…\N まさに猿コンビ\N The one and only monkey combo. Am not! Ukii! {monkey onomatopoeia} でも3千個も手作業で作るなんて\N間に合わない\N But we won't make it if we have to make 3.000 labels by hand. 宛名シールを使えば早いわよ\N宛名シールは いくらするんだ?\N It'll go quick when you use mailing labels. How much do they cost? (葉月)10面20シート入りで\N千円くらいかな\N Twenty sheets with ten labels cost around 1.000 yen, I believe. それだと15セット必要だから\N1万5千円かかるのです\N We'd need around 15 sets in total, so it'd make 15.000 yen. 高い 高い そんなに出せないわよ\N That's way too much. We can't afford that. 少し小さいけど 24面タイプなら\N7セットで足りるわよ\N It'd be a bit small, but you could go for 7 sets of the 24 label kind. もしもし うん うん\N Who is this? Mhm...I see.. 分かった\N I understand. 選管からの回答よ\N That was the Election Committee. はがれると誤解を受けるので\Nしっかり接着するように って\N "It'll cause a misunderstanding if the label were to come off, so glue it thoroughly", they said. あれでOKなんだ?\Nこれで決まりね\N That's all? It's all set up now. というわけで 葉月\N活動資金 貸してくれない?\N That said. Hazuki, could we borrow some of the club funds? 教師が 特定の候補に肩入れして\N It's not allowed for teacher to back a specific candidate, 金銭的な援助をするのは禁止よ\N and give financial support. 貸借は禁止されてないわ\Nあくまでも借りるだけ\N Loaning is not forbidden. I'm just borrowing it 予備選挙が終わったら返すからさ\N I'll definitely pay back after the preliminaries. そう? じゃあとりあえず\N Really? 3万でいい?\Nどこに入れてんですかッ\N You okay with 30.000? Where do you think you put the money... ありがとう! さすがは\N我らがショッケン顧問・東雲葉月ね\N Thanks! As expected of our Food Reseach Club's advisor, Shinonome Hazuki. 何とか まとまったようですね\N Seems it's all taken care of somehow. 選挙資金 ガッポリ稼ぐわよ!\N Let's earn some election funds! (一同)おお~ッ\Nおお…\N                \N こ これ全部にシール貼るの?\N We have to put seals on all of them? (綺衣)気が遠くなりそう\N大丈夫なのです!\N I'm already feeling my consciousness losing. It's going to be fine! 今こそ のんちゃんの発明が\N活躍するときなのです\N Now is the time for the power of my invention. こんなこともあろうかと\N開発していた お助けマッスィーン\N Thinking a moment like this would happen someday, I developed the Helping Machine! ハリハリ君なのです\N It's called Harihari-kun. 代わりに貼ってくれるの?\Nいいえ\N Can that "machine" work in our stead? {lit: paste/stick the labels} Nope. ハリハリ君は\N皆さんの作業で疲れた肩を\N Harihari-kun is a massaging machine that gently massages everyone's stiff shoulders due to work. 優しくもんでくれる\Nマッサージ・マッスィーンなのです\N 何で ハリハリ君なのよ?\N Why is he called Harihari-kun then? {haru means "to paste/stick", aka the work they have to do} ・(希美)ハリハリ君は\N油圧式サスペンション連動→\N Harihari-kun is short for "Hydraulic Suspended Attitude Controlled Aiming System Integrated Multi-hand Massage Manipulator. 姿勢制御照準システム内蔵\Nマルチハンドマッサージ・マニピュレーターの略です\N それに 肩こりで張った患部を\N癒やすことをかけた絶妙のネーミング\N A superb naming as it heals the tight spots of a stiff neck. {tlc} とにかく シールは\N自分で貼らなきゃってことですね\N Anyway, I guess we'll have to put on the labels ourselves. 1つ貼るのに10秒かかると\N1人では10時間かかります\N Assuming that putting on one label costs 10 seconds, one person would take 10 hours to do it. でも10人でかかれば\N1時間で終わります\N But if 10 people do it, it will be done in an hour. ここにいる人手は\N The ones who can help us are... (葉月)私は教師だから\N手伝えないわよ\N I'm a teacher so I won't help. 住吉さんと夢島君は 私と一緒に\Nブースの設営を手伝ってください\N Sumiyoshi-san and Yumeshima-kun, I'd like you to help me set up the booth. てことは5人?\Nオーシマはまだ戻ってこないの?\N Just the 5 of us? Isn't Ooshima returning any minute? 大島ロール20本分の\N材料の買い出しですから\N He's currently out to buy the ingredients for twenty Oojima Rolls, もうしばらくは\N(愛・綺衣)はあ~ッ\N so not any time soon. ゆうちゃんには\Nゆうちゃんの仕事があるのです\N Yuu-chan has is own job to do. ここは みんなで頑張るのです\Nレッツ ファイトなので~す!\N So we'll have to do our bests here. Let's fight on! 重て…\Nユメでも連れてくればよかった\N Quite the weight...I should've taken Yume with me. 物販が目的で出馬する連中か\N People who use merchandising for the elections... これって ワシントン条約\N大丈夫なのか?\N Wouldn't this be against the Washington Convention? {aka the CITES, for endangered species} ・(力士)いったい\Nどういうことなんでい!\N Hey hey, what the hell is up with that! (行司)どういうことなんでい\Nべらぼうめ\N Yeah, what's up with that, bitch! {moron/fool/idiot} あれは… 東雲さん?\N Isn't that...Shinonome-san? (力士)おうおう 部費の削減たあ\Nどういう了見でい?\N Come on, what's your motive for cutting our club budget?! そうでい どういう了見でい?\N Exactly, what's your motive?! わしらの伝統あるクラブには\N実績があるんでい\N Our traditional club does have its visible results! てやんでい!\Nまずい 止めないと\N Oh no, I have to stop her. ・(力士)エア相撲部に\Nケチつけるたあ いい度胸だ\N To find fault with our Air Sumo Club...You got some nerve! I say.{ tlc: he adds something. would this suffice?} エア相撲部?\N Air Sumo Club? おうおう エア相撲 初代横綱\N空想龍関たあ\N Indeed, the first air sumo grand champion is me, Sorasou Ryuuseki! こちとら 横綱がいるんでい\N実績は十分じゃねえか\N This guy here is a grand champion, doesn't that say enough? {grand champion = yokozuna} I say. ハハ…\N(皐月)空想龍関さん\N Sorasou Ryuuzeki-san. エア相撲部の部費 使途に関して\N不審な点がありますよね\N There are some questionable points regarding the usage of the Air Sumo Club's budget. なッ 何!?\N What do you say?! 部費の大半が\Nちゃんこ代になっていましたが\N I know the majority is used in preparing Chankonabe, {a stew for sumo wrestlers} エア相撲を取るために それほど\N多くのちゃんこは必要ですか?\N Do you really need so much Chankonabe to undertake in Air Sumo? エア相撲を標ぼうするなら\Nちゃんこもエアにすべきでは?\N If you'd advocate Air Sumo, wouldn't the Chankonabe be made out of air as well? なッ 何だと\Nかすみでも食えってのか?\N What?! Are you telling us to live on air? はい あなた方は\Nとことん エアを究めるべきです\N Indeed. You will have to master the air in any way possible. {tlc?} コ コ コ ココ コ…\N Y-Y-Y-You... 今度は エアニワトリですか?\N You're playing as air chicken this time? このヤロー!\N You bastard! おい 塩まけ 塩!\N合点承知!\N Bring the salt! As you wish! 帰れ 帰れ ばっさぁ ばっさぁ!\N Leave, leave now! おととい来やがれ\Nばっさぁ ばっさぁ!\N And don't come back! エ… エア塩?\N A-Air salt? それでは失礼します\N If you would excuse me now. ばっさぁ ばっさぁ…\Nばっさぁ ばっさぁ…\N わ~ッ ワシでは力及ばんかった~\N I wasn't strong enough... あらッ\N Oh. どうも\N Hello. ・(愛)あと どれくらい?\N・(綺衣)まだまだ全然残ってるよ\N How many left? We're not even near the end. {16:29} ==== I will prevent the clubs from being disbanded! ==== ==== Oojima Yuuki ==== 何だか 気が遠くなってきたのです\N I'm about to faint... はあ\N うんッ?\N ・(未散)あッ\N大丈夫?\N Are you all right? 普通\N Just like normal. 調べていくと まだまだムダに\N使われている予算がみつかります\N When I go out to research, I find even more budget that's not used for its purpose. そういったムダを\N少しでも減らすためには\N To make even the slightest change in that, 地道に調査をしなければ\Nいけないんです\N I have to investigate steadily. 選挙運動中なのにですか?\Nこれでも財務部長ですから\N While the elections are in motion? I'm the financial president after all. 生徒会長選と職務とは\N関係がありません\N The school president elections and my duties aren't related. 厳しいんですね\N Sounds quite harsh. 活動の不確かなクラブが多いのは\N事実なんです\N But it's a fact there are many clubs that have uncertain activities. いえ そうじゃなくて\N I don't mean it that way. 自分に厳しい人なんだな って\N You're quite harsh on yourself. それは かいかぶりです\Nでも\N You're overestimating me. However... 私のは ただの意地だから\Nえッ?\N It's just part of my pride. {tlc} 知ってのとおり この高藤学園は\N生徒の自主性を重んじるため\N As you might know, to respect of independency of the students at Takafuji High School, その実権のほとんどが\N生徒に委ねられています\N the real power has been entrusted to the students themselves. 自治生徒会は 高藤学園という小さな国の\N政治を司っているも同然\N The autonomous student council basically rules the politics of this small nation called Takafuji High School. 私達が甘えた考えで運営すれば\Nこの学園は たちまち崩壊するわ\N If we were to operate too over-optimistic, this school will collapse immediately. やっぱり厳しいですね\N That sounds really cruel. でも そこまで切り詰めなきゃ\Nいけないほど\N But...I don't believe the school's budget is that tight as to begin truncating clubs. 学園の予算は\N逼迫してないと思うけど\N 私のマニフェスト\Nご覧になったのかしら?\N Have you ever read through my manifesto? 廃部に気を取られて 注意が\N及ばなかったのかもしれないけど\N You might have been distracted by the disbanding so it might not have caught your attention, 時間があったら 全文に\N目を通してもらえると嬉しいわ\N but if you have the time, I'd be pleased if you read it thorough once. クラブ改革案は\Nただの予算削減じゃないのよ\N The club reforms isn't just for the budget cuts. はあ\N まだ こんなに…\N Still so many to go... 今日中に終わるかな?\N Will I be done before the end of the day? 生徒会長か すごいな 大島先輩\N Becoming the student president...How cool, Oojima-senpai. ・(1年女子A)ふ~ん\N (A)そんなすごい人と\N知り合いなんだ?\N Are you acquainted with such a great person? (B)ちょっと こっち来なよ\Nあの…\N Come here for a second. Uhm. 話 聞かせてよ\N私 まだ仕事が\N Tell us about it. I still have work to do... 今 サボってたじゃん!\N You were slacking off just now! ・(B)私らに つきあえないの?\N Mind hanging out with us? そんな…\N No way. みいちゃん ちょっと貸して\N Mii-chan, gimme that for a while. 何よ いきなり?\N(美冬)どうしたの? ゆう君\N What's up so suddenly? What's the matter, Yuu-kun? 東雲皐月候補のマニフェスト\N Candidate Shinonome's manifesto. これか\N Is this it? {19:25) ==== FUCK SIGNS ==== 「経済特待生制度の改革」 昨今、ニュース等でもとりいわけ目にすることを多くなった、学校内での”イジメ”問題。 我が学園も例外ではなく、数年前から問題となり、 未だ解決の糸口すらみえない 経済特待生に対する差別問題があります。"イジメ”に起因すると見られる 中途退学者も毎年数十人単位で出続けており、財政面でも 非常に大きな問題となっております。 "Reform of the financial-aid student system" In recent years, the particularly outstanding "bullying" problems in school appearing in news and the like, have increased. Our school is no exception, and for a few years it has been a problem, as there's a problem regarding discrimination against financial-aid students, where there's no clue to how to resolve it as of yet. Every year, dozens of dropouts keep being seen as result of the "bullying", and it has become a great problem in terms of finances. {last line needs most tlc} ================== ====PART2 screen=== まさに制度そのものに問題があると言わさる 「経済特待生制度」の廃止に踏み切ろうと… 奨学金制度への転換を図って参ります 財政面で逼迫した 状況の元、 I say there's a problem with the system itself. I'd like to take off by abolishing the financial-aid system... ...We strive to shift to a scholarship system... In these tight financial circumstances... =============== 「経済特待生制度の改革」\N "Reform of the financial-aid student system" ああ 今日も1日 疲れたわ\N I'm exhausted after a day's work. ホント しばらく\Nやおい棒は見たくないわね\N Indeed, I don't want to see Yaoi bars for a while. でも 数は間に合ったし\Nブースの設営も もう一息だから\N But we've got it all rounded up, and putting up a booth is done in no time. あとは演説の原稿の方 よろしくね\ What's left is the speech manuscript. Good luck with that. (美冬)それが一番難題ね\N That's what's most challenging. うんッ どうしたの? 裕樹\N Hm? What's wrong, Yuuki? 買い出しから帰ってから\Nずっとこうなの\N He was like that ever since he got back from shopping. (物音)\N 青海さん\Nあら あの子 この間ぶつかった…\N Aomi-san. Hey, that's the girl you bumped into last time... 青海さん 何か捜し物?\N Aomi-san, something you're looking for? いえ 大丈夫です\N No, it's all right. 大事なもの? 一緒に捜そうか?\N Something important? Shall I take a look as well? いえ ホントに大丈夫なんで\N No, everything's all right. もう暗くなってきたし みんなで…\N It's already becoming dark, so we can search all togeth? 大丈夫です!\N IT'S ALL RIGHT! すみません 大丈夫… なんです→\N I'm sorry. It's all right... ホントに\N ...really. うん 先に食べてて\N Yeah, go on ahead and eat. ごめんね できるだけ早く帰るから\Nじゃあね\N I'm sorry. I'll try to return as soon as possible. あッ\N 《・(1年女子A)こいつ\N超ムカつくんだけど》\N This girl is really getting on my nerves. 《上級生に知り合いがいると\N見せつけたいの?》\N Wanting to show off there's an upperclassman you know? 《いえ そんな…》\N《(A)色目使ったんでしょ?》\N None of the like... You probably seduced him. 《こうすれば もっとそういう目で\N見てもらえるんじゃない?》\N If I do this, perhaps you'll get even more of such attention. 《や やめてください!》\N P-Please stop! 《・(B)やだ 見て》\N《・(A)ねえ これどうする?》\N Oh god, look at it. What are going to do with this? 《・(B)捨てれば? ゴミだし》\N《・(A)そうだね》\N Why won't you throw it away? It's garbage, after all. Ah, so I will. ・~\N 手作りお菓子のオススメある?\N What hand-made sweets would you recommend? ・(衣更)パンの耳を揚げて\Nお砂糖かける 安いし\N Fried bread crusts with sugar on it is delicious. And it's cheap! もう少しちゃんと…\N Something more proper... ・(衣更)パンの耳を\Nマーガリンとお砂糖で炒める 安いし\N Bread crusts fried with margerine and sugar is delicious. And it's cheap! もう少し 手が込んでるのが…\N Something more elaborate... ・(衣更)パンの耳をレンジでカリカリにして\Nお砂糖からめると→\N Bread crusts that become fried caramel dough cookies by making them crispy in the microwave. And it's cheap! かりんとうになります 安いし\Nパンの耳から離れて!\N Please stop recommending bread crusts! ・(衣更)次回 第5話「祭典」→\N Next time, episode five: Festival グラタンやプディングも作れる\N魔法の食材です 安いし\N                \N You can even make gratin or pudding. It's a magical ingredient! And it's cheap!